Whilst these days software development and coding is my primary activity, in the past, I’ve built a number of websites, and you can see them here.
Centre for Nanostructured Media – Queen’s University Belfast
The Centre for Nanostructured Media is one of the Queen’s University Belfast’s Physics research groups, and the one in which I graduated as a PhD student. It is a diverse and high-level outfit, performing some outstanding and innovative research with multiple industrial partners and many dedicated staff and students.
My most recent website work, I took on and transformed the CNM website from a much more old-fashioned design into a style more in keeping with the rest of the Queen’s University website. The template was mandated by QUB, and I developed this into a much more modern website, and with the advent of the QUB content management system, one which is much easier to manage for news, vacancies and changes.
Since completing my PhD, I no longer maintain this website.
Cara-Friend website group
I designed a number of websites for the Northern Ireland charity Cara-Friend, basically as a group package. These have since been replaced.
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