Tag: ansin

Conferences and Open Bars

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Every so often, when doing a PhD, you get to go to conferences and the like. Sometimes, there conferences are across the world, and you get a free holiday. Sometimes, they’re right in your backyard.

This week, I had the pleasure(?) of attending a Seagate sponsored and ANSIN organised conclave at the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick. Whilst I don’t want to go into detail on the content, suffice to say the talks were all interesting enough, some good and some bad – par for the course really at these conferences.

Did I say par? Ah yes, so one reason they picked the Hilton? It’s got a great golf course!

The view of the golf course here at my room in the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick

Robert and Bob, my supervisor and vice-supervisor respectively, are keen golfers, as are a few of the Seagate staff if I recall. Whilst I’d love to try it out as I enjoy watching it, I don’t have clubs, shoes, skill…

Anyway, time was too short really for either that or the jacuzzi and gym that our room fee got us. What was fun was the boozing. As you may have heard me say on Facebook, it was an open bar.

Very tasty Long Island Iced Teas, and with an open bar courtesy of Seagate, much more tasty again!

Well, basically this post is just to say how much fun it can be seeing your friends and colleagues, other academics, and staff all get very very drunk on free booze!